Activity types
Activity types are the various kinds of work that electrical installation companies carry out.
When you register your company with the National Electrical Safety Board, you state what kinds of electrical installation work your electrical installation company carries out. These are called activity types. You can either register for all kinds of electrical installation work or just for certain kinds.
Low voltage activity types
Below are the kinds of work contained in the activity types involving electrical installation work in circuits supplied with a rated voltage up to and including 1000 volts AC or up to and including 1500 volts DC, requiring at least an authorisation for low voltage, AL.
Residential buildings
Electrical installation work in installations or sub-installations for the use of electricity in residential buildings, including adjoining buildings and areas.
Public spaces
Electrical installation work in installations or sub-installations for the use of electricity in offices, restaurants, schools or other commercial or public places. This activity type does not include electrical installation work covered by the Residential buildings activity type.
Other installations for the use of electricity
Electrical installation work in installations or sub-installations for the use of electricity in street lighting, industry, agriculture, areas with a risk of fire, explosive atmospheres, medical locations and other installations or sub-installations for the use of electricity not covered by the activity types Residential buildings or Public spaces.
Electric power network – low voltage
Electrical installation work in installations or sub-installations for general distribution via concessionary grids.
Railway operation – low voltage
Electrical installation work in installations for railway, light rail, underground railway and trolley bus operation.
Electrical installations for generation of electric energy
Electrical installation work in solar cell installations, battery storage, installations in hydroelectric and wind power, backup power, power supply to safety systems, and other installations and sub-installations for generation of electric energy.
High voltage activity types
Below are the kinds of work contained in the activity types involving electrical installation work on circuits supplied with a rated voltage above 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC, requiring full authorisation, A.
Electric power network
Electrical installation work in installations or sub-installations for general distribution via concessionary grids.
Railway operation
Electrical installation work in railway installations.
Other installations
Electrical installation work in installations or sub-installations not covered by the activity types Electric power network or Railway operation.
Limited activity types
Below are the kinds of work contained in the activity types involving electrical installation work in circuits supplied with a rated voltage up to and including 1000 volts AC or up to and including 1500 volts DC, for which limited authorisation B is sufficient.
Electrical installation work in existing final circuits consisting of
- permanent connection and disconnection of machinery, motors and equipment, and
- installation of light fittings, switches and sockets.
Heating, cooling and ventilation
Electrical installation work in existing final circuits consisting of
- permanent connection and disconnection of heating, cooling and ventilation systems, and
- installation of light fittings, switches and sockets.
Lifts, gates and escalators
Electrical installation work in existing final circuits consisting of
- permanent connection and disconnection of lifts, gates and escalators, and
- installation of light fittings, switches and sockets.
Cable installation concession networks (underground)
Companies working in the activitytype Cable Installation concession networks (in ground) are allowed to execute limited electrical installation work in facilities and components for the transmission of electricity in concession networks. A facility being subject to concession means that permission from the state (Energy Market Inspectorate) is required, for example, to build power lines over public land.
This activitytype includes the following work in all voltage ranges:
- Laying underground power cables, including installing associated cable cabinets, poles, grounding, and laying longitudinal grounding conductors. However, it does not include splicing or connecting cables or grounding conductors.
- Performing cable pulling and cable withdrawal (but not additional securing/tensioning/clamping).
- Laying underground power cables that are part of non-concession networks, such as for street lighting, if the work is done simultaneously with the installation of cables that are part of concession networks.
Please note that companies that have stated that they only work with this activitytype are not allowed to execute cable installations that are part of other activitytypes.
Does your company work with installation of solar cells or facilities? Or is your company going to lay powercables in the ground near residential areas? Then you have to be registered for the “Residential” activitytype.
The requirement to have an compliance officer for regulatory compliance does not apply to the “Cable Installation in Ground” activity type. Other requirements, such as performance standards, self-inspection programs, and registration with the Electrical Safety Authority, still apply.
More information
For more information about activity types, see our manual "Electrical installations under the Electrical Saftey Act", section 8.